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Peer aggression

APA Citation:

Card, N. A. (2013). Peer aggression. Research Brief prepared for the U.S. Department of Defense. Retrieved from: www.MilitaryREACH.org

Abstract Created by REACH:

Aggression is any behavior intended to harm another individual10. This brief specifically focuses on childhood aggression directed toward peers, i.e., children of similar ages (excluding aggression toward adults, siblings, or animals). This type of aggression is often referred to as bullying within the popular media, and has been connected to negative outcomes for youth, including peer rejection, academic difficulties, and behavior problems6. This brief provides an overview of the research regarding the outcomes for aggressive children, risk factors for childhood aggression, and the various types of aggression.



Subject Affiliation:



Childhood (birth - 12 yrs)
School age (6 - 12 yrs)
Adolescence (13 - 17 yrs)


Review of Literature


Card, Noel A., Casper, Debbie, Koch, Bryna, Borden, Lynne M., Military Reach, University of Arizona

Publisher/Sponsoring Organization:

The University of Minnesota Center for Research and Outreach

Publication Type:

REACH Publication


aggression, overt aggression, relational aggression, proactive aggression, reactive aggression, emotional dysregulation


University of Minnesota

View Research Report:

REACH Publication Type:

Research Report


Developed in Collaboration with the Department of Defense’s Office of Family Policy, the National Institute
of Food and Agriculture, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture under Award No. 2009-48667-05833.

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