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REACH Dictionary

9/11/2001 refers to the date of terrorist attacks carried out by the Islamic extremist group al-Qaeda on the United States in New York City and Washington, D.C. The attacks resulted the estimated number of 2,977 deaths, making them the most deadly terrorist attacks on American soil.

Category: Military

The ABCX Model of Family Stress is a framework of the family's experience of and reactions to a stressor event. In the model, A represents a stressor event that provokes change in the family system. B is the family's resources and personal strengths. C is the family's perception of the importance and impact of the event. Both B and C influence the family's response to the stressor event. X represents a crisis, in which family processes are immobilized as a result of the stressor event.

Category: Theories

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Individuals with ADHD/ADD can have difficulties with paying attention, acting impulsively, and overactivity where it intereferes with everyday life.

Citation: Johns Hopkins Medicine. (n.d.). Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children. John Hopkins University and Medicine. Retreived July, 18 2022 from https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/adhdadd

Category: Health (Mental & Physical)

An abstract is the summary at the beginning of a research article that typically includes the purpose of the research, the methods used, and major findings.

Category: Methodology

“Individuals accepted into the military, also called recruits.”

Citation: Blaisure, K. R., Saathoff-Wells, T., Pereira, A., MacDermid Wadsworth, S., & Dombro, A. L. (2015). Serving military families - theories, research, and application. Taylor & Francis Ltd.

Category: Military

Related Terms:

“A military assignment to an overseas location that includes the service member’s family.”

Citation: Blaisure, K. R., Saathoff-Wells, T., Pereira, A., MacDermid Wadsworth, S., & Dombro, A. L. (2015). Serving military families - theories, research, and application. Taylor & Francis Ltd.

Category: Military

“The portion of the U.S. military forces comprised of full-time active duty members in the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and Air Force.”

Citation: Blaisure, K. R., Saathoff-Wells, T., Pereira, A., MacDermid Wadsworth, S., & Dombro, A. L. (2015). Serving military families - theories, research, and application. Taylor & Francis Ltd.

Active duty status refers to "full-time duty in the active military service of the United States, including active duty or full-time training duty in the Reserve Component."

Active Guard and Reserve includes "National Guard and Reserve members who are on voluntary active duty providing full-time support to National Guard, Reserve, and Active Component organizations for the purpose of organizing, administering, recruiting, instructing, or training the Reserve Components."

An umbrella term for various listening skills, including paraphrasing, asking clarifying questions, and validating their partner’s perspective during communication

Citation: Taft, C. T., Murphy, C. M., & Creech, S. K. (2016). Introduction. In C. T. Taft, C. M. Murphy, & S. K. Creech, Trauma-informed treatment and prevention of intimate partner violence (p. 3–12). American Psychological Association. https://doi.org/10.1037/14918-001

Category: Therapy & Therapeutic Techniques

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