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An exploration into the effectiveness of yoga in reducing anxiety in female military personnel

APA Citation:

Berry, A. (2024). An exploration into the effectiveness of yoga in reducing anxiety in female military personnel [EdD, Liberty University]. https://digitalcommons.liberty.edu/doctoral/5566


Mental health
Physical health

Branch of Service:

Multiple branches
Marine Corps
Air Force
Space Force

Military Affiliation:

Active Duty

Subject Affiliation:

Active duty service member
Guard/Reserve member


Berry, Aubrey


yoga anxiety anxiety reduction alternative treatment women’s mental health military mental health military

Publisher/Sponsoring Organization:

Liberty University

Publication Type:

Dissertations & Theses


Research indicates that female service members remain more anxious than their male, counterparts, as these women report facing additional familial and occupational stressors., However, despite this evident incongruence, women in the military also remain less likely to, seek mental health treatment for chronic anxiety. Current research indicates that yoga could, serve as an efficacious alternative treatment to reduce anxiety, as study conclusions hint at, elevated benefit and minimal risk when compared to counseling session attendance. A review, of existing research presents several positive features and positive effects of yoga that lead to, decreases in anxious mood. However, there is a need for further research to address existing, gaps in the literature and, therefore, empirically prove yoga’s ability to reduce anxiety among, an anxiously vulnerable and prone population.

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