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Cross-generational problem-solving: A case study of Fort Leavenworth

APA Citation:

Dahlstrand, K. (2023). Cross-generational problem-solving: A case study of fort leavenworth. Military Review, 1-11. https://www.armyupress.army.mil/Portals/7/military-review/Archives/English/Online-Exclusive/2023/Cross-Generational%20Problem-Solving/Cross-Generational%20Problem-Solving-UA1.pdf



Branch of Service:


Military Affiliation:

Active Duty

Subject Affiliation:

Active duty service member


Adulthood (18 yrs & older)
Young adulthood (18 - 29 yrs)
Thirties (30 - 39 yrs)
Middle age (40 - 64 yrs)


Dahlstrand, Kate


In February 2023, I received a phone call from Lt. Col. William Richardson, the equal opportunity program manager for the Combined Arms Center (CAC) based at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. I had recently volunteered to serve on a new committee put together by the staff of the CAC commanding general, Lt. Gen. Milford H. Beagle Jr., who wanted to address workplace climate concerns identified on Fort Leavenworth, investigate solutions to those concerns, and offer recommendations that would result in Beagle “pinning the rose of responsibility” on individuals given authority to make change happen. As Richardson explained the mission and purpose over the phone, he also outlined a specific feature of the committee that promised to yield positive results. “I hate to ask you this, ma’am, and it goes against everything I’ve been taught by my family and the military … but I need to know how old you are. I need to know what generation you belong to.” I told him I was a member of Generation X and then gave my preference on which issues I wanted to help solve. I was now a part of the CAC Cross-Generational Team (Cross-GEN).

Publication Type:



problem-solving, cross-generational workforce

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