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From soldier's wife to widow: Exploring the lived experience of the military widow and the impact of social support networks

APA Citation:

Singer, L. (2022). From soldier’s wife to widow: Exploring the lived experience of the military widow and the impact of social support networks. [EdD, Creighton University]. https://dspace2.creighton.edu/xmlui/handle/10504/136168


Mental health

Branch of Service:

Marine Corps
Multiple branches

Military Affiliation:

Active Duty

Subject Affiliation:

Spouse of service member or veteran


Adulthood (18 yrs & older)
Thirties (30 - 39 yrs)
Middle age (40 - 64 yrs)


Qualitative Study


Singer, Lynette


Within the military environment, the risk for early death among members of the military exposes their spouses to become widowed at a younger age, with the highest statistical potential for widowhood falling underneath the median age of widowhood usually studied. The aim of this qualitative phenomenological study was to better understand the lived experiences of the military widow and discern which social support systems are most beneficial. The purpose of this study was to determine the significance, structure, and efficacy of available social support networks for widows in the military environment. A review of current literature identified a lack of research pertaining to young widowhood, specifically military widowhood. The primary data was provided by semistructured interviews with 10 military widows representing four branches of the military. The interview questions explored the impact military culture, key drivers of successful coping, the advantageous social support systems, the role of military widow organizations, and how military widowhood could be better addressed. Five key findings emerged. Military culture, the availability of stable social support, the applicability of current support practices, the importance of military widow support organizations, and the importance of peer support all impacted the lived experience of the military widow. Future research to better understand the lived experience of the military widow includes comprehensive studies on all phases of military widowhood, including widows not currently associated with a military widow organization, and studies of casualty assistance officer training and support.

Publisher/Sponsoring Organization:

Creighton University

Publication Type:

Dissertations & Theses


widow, early death, social support systems

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