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Tidwell, Allison


Balancing parental and work responsibilities is difficult enough – but did you know that around 37% of the United States Armed Forces’ 1.3 million active-duty Service members have children? Thankfully, there’s a wealth of research on these families’ experiences. Today, we’ll consider research regarding fathers’ experiences in the military, paying particular attention to how fathers navigate parenting during challenges like deployment and reintegration. We’ll discuss some of the difficulties military fathers face during deployment and reintegration, along with how they affect military fathers and their children. We’ll also provide parenting resources intended to help balance work and family life. Common challenges among military fathers and how they impact the family Service member fathers face many parenting difficulties during their military careers, but two of the biggest challenges are deployment and reintegration. Deployment is a stressful time for military families. The extended separation they face can take an especially heavy toll on fathers. Research shows that when fathers perceive a threat to their safety during deployment, their parenting becomes less sensitive. This, in turn, may cause their children to exhibit social and emotional difficulties (e.g., poor peer interactions, unhealthy emotional expression) as well as behavioral problems (e.g., hyperactivity, defiance). Similarly, deployed fathers who have difficulty managing their emotions may engage in more coercive parenting (e.g., irritability, bossiness, persistent negativity). Coercive parenting, in turn, is linked to poorer overall well-being for children, with outcomes including internalizing (e.g., depression, anxiety) and externalizing behaviors (e.g., aggression, hyperactivity). Reintegration, the period of a Service member’s adjustment to “normal” life after deployment, also poses challenges for returning fathers. Reintegration, like deployment, is often associated with increased stress for the entire family. Returning fathers report less patience, more irritability, and more communication problems with their family during reintegration. Research further finds that military fathers’ mental health concerns (e.g., depression, posttraumatic stress disorder) can also contribute to their children’s’ behavioral problems years after reintegration. Additionally, stress during reintegration sometimes leads to less emotionally sensitive parenting (e.g., less supportive, not supervising children as needed) by military fathers, which can have consequences for child adjustment (e.g., behavioral problems) during reintegration as well. How fathers can mitigate the risks of military-related parenting challenges Being a father and Service member does not automatically result in negative consequences for your children: frequent father involvement contributes to better parent and child well-being. Specifically, when fathers spend more time with their children both at home (e.g., recreation, shared activities) and during deployment (e.g., setting time each week for video calls) their well-being is greater. Spending time with their child also gives fathers untold opportunity to model positive parenting practices, such as supporting the child’s decision-making and encouraging positive behavior. Military-related stressors such as long periods of separation put military fathers’ own well-being at risk. Given this reality, it’s important that fathers care for themselves. Practicing mindfulness and self-care are useful ways for fathers to attend to their own emotional needs; the practices also serve as useful models for children. Furthermore, fathers should consider professional help to address their mental health concerns: such help in turn makes them better equipped to care for their children. Beyond mental health, fathers may choose to address the quality of their parental relationships. Evidence suggests that a father’s relationship with his child’s mother affects the child’s mental health (e.g., depression). Military fathers might therefore invest in their romantic relationships with couples counseling or relationship education in order to reduce potential negative consequences for their children. Lastly, fathers can also mitigate the risk of parenting challenges by attending parenting programs. The Department of Defense has invested in evidence-based parenting programs and resources to promote military family readiness and resilience. These programs address a variety of family-related topics, including parent-child communication, bonding with children, and finding a new “normal” upon returning from deployment. To learn more about these programs, check out the resources listed at Military OneSource. Despite facing many challenges in balancing work and family responsibilities, military fathers continue to be resilient and positively impact their children. By using an abundance of resources for military families and improving their parenting skills as a result, fathers can ease the burden of Service-related challenges borne by both the family and themselves.

Publication Type:

Family Story

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Coercive parenting mediates the relationship between military fathers’ emotion regulation and children’s adjustment

APA Citation:

Zhang, J., Palmer, A., Zhang, N., & Gewirtz, A. H. (2020). Coercive parenting mediates the relationship between military fathers’ emotion regulation and children’s adjustment. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 48, 633–645. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10802-020-00625-8

Abstract Created by REACH:

Research has demonstrated that parents’ emotional experiences can influence their parenting strategies, which may, in turn, affect children’s well-being. Military parents may have difficulty regulating their emotions if they have experienced deployment-related military stressors (e.g., posttraumatic stress disorder). This study examined the longitudinal associations between deployed fathers’ emotion regulation and their children’s well-being (i.e., internalizing and externalizing behaviors reported by parents and depressive symptoms reported by children) in a sample of 181 National Guard/Reserve families. Additionally, coercive parenting behaviors (e.g., irritability, bossiness, persistent negativity) were examined as a mediator of the association between emotion regulation and child well-being. The findings suggest that fathers who experience challenges regulating their own emotions tend to engage in more coercive parenting, which in turn has long-term implications for children’s well-being.


Mental health

Subject Affiliation:

Active duty service member
Guard/Reserve member
Military families
Spouse of service member or veteran


Childhood (birth - 12 yrs)
School age (6 - 12 yrs)
Adolescence (13 - 17 yrs)
Adulthood (18 yrs & older)
Young adulthood (18 - 29 yrs)
Thirties (30 - 39 yrs)
Middle age (40 - 64 yrs)


Longitudinal Study
Quantitative Study
Secondary Analysis


Zhang, Jingchen, Palmer, Alyssa, Zhang, Na, Gewirtz, Abigail H.


Military parents’ combat-related posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms have been linked to poor parenting and child maladjustment. Emotion regulation (ER) difficulties are thought to underlie PTSD symptoms, and research has begun to link parental ER to parenting behaviors. Little empirical evidence exists regarding whether fathers’ ER is associated with child adjustment and what may be the underlying mechanism for this association. This study investigated whether deployed fathers’ ER was associated with child emotional and behavioral problems, and whether the associations were mediated by coercive parenting behaviors. The sample consisted of 181 deployed fathers with non-deployed female partners and their 4- to 13-year-old children. Families were assessed at three time points over 2 years. ER was measured using a latent construct of fathers’ self-reports of their experiential avoidance, trait mindfulness, and difficulties in emotion regulation. Coercive parenting was observed via a series of home-based family interaction tasks. Child behaviors were assessed through parent- and child-report. Structural equation modeling revealed that fathers with poorer ER at baseline exhibited higher coercive parenting at 1-year follow-up, which was associated with more emotional and behavioral problems in children at 2-year follow-up. The indirect effect of coercive parenting was statistically significant. These findings suggest that fathers’ difficulties in ER may impede their effective parenting behaviors, and children’s adjustment problems might be amplified as a result of coercive interactions. Implications for the role of paternal ER on parenting interventions are discussed.

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Publication Type:


Author Affiliation:

Department of Family Social Science, University of Minnesota–Twin Cities, JZ
Institute of Child Development, University of Minnesota–Twin Cities, AP
REACH Institute, Department of Psychology, Arizona State University, NZ
Department of Family Social Science and Institute of Child Development & Institute of Translational Research in Children’s Mental Health, University of Minnesota–Twin Cities, AHG


parenting coercion, emotion regulation, military fathers, internalizing behavior problems, externalizing behavior problems

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Research Summary


The ADAPT study was funded by grants from NIDA R01 DA030114 to Abigail H. Gewirtz and R21 DA034166 to James Snyder. This research was supported by a predoctoral fellowship from the National Institute of Health (T32 MH015755) to the second author. The third author’s work on this paper was supported by a National Research Service Award (NRSA) in Primary Prevention by the National Institute on Drug Abuse T32DA039772-03 (PI: Laurie Chassin) through the Department of Psychology at Arizona State University. The authors wish to acknowledge the contributions of the late James Snyder to this study, who developed the coding scheme and pioneered the conceptualization and measurement of family interactions.

REACH Newsletter:

  July 2020

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