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Annotated bibliography of Veterans Affairs Canada research directorate publications for 1992-2018: Research evidence to support the well-being of veterans and their families

APA Citation:

Tweel, M., Thompson, J.M., Lockhart, W., Ralling, A., Keough, J., MacLean, M.B., VanTil, L., Sweet, J., Poirier, A., Pound, T., Murray, R., & Swenson, N. (2019). Bibliography of Veterans Affairs Canada research directorate publications for 1992-2018: Research evidence to support the well-being of veterans and their families. Veterans Affairs Canada. https://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2019/acc-vac/V32-403-2019.pdf



Branch of Service:

International Military

Military Affiliation:


Subject Affiliation:



Adulthood (18 yrs & older)
Young adulthood (18 - 29 yrs)
Thirties (30 - 39 yrs)
Middle age (40 - 64 yrs)
Aged (65 yrs & older)
Very old (85 yrs & older)


Tweel, Madeline, Thompson, James M., Lockhart, Wendy, Ralling, Alexandra, Keough, Jacinta, MacLean, Mary Beth, VanTil, Linda, Sweet, Jill, Poirier, Alain, Pound, Teresa, Murray, Ryan, Swenson, Nathan


The Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC) Research Directorate was established in 2002 in response to a need for evidence to guide the development of policies and programs for Canadian military Veterans and their families. The Research Directorate has led or collaborated in several programs of research. The Life After Service Studies (LASS) include both nationally representative surveys of CAF Veterans (former members) and income studies of Veterans released from service since 1998. The Road to Civilian Life (R2CL) program of research included three projects contracted to researchers through the CIMVHR (Canadian Institute for Military and Veteran Health Research), and the development of a tool for self-assessing need for assistance with transition to civilian life by VAC and CAF (Canadian Armed Forces) researchers. VAC researchers have also informed the development of an interview system for assessing risk in transition. The Continuing Care Research Project (CCRP) was a collaboration between VAC and the Province of Ontario which demonstrated the costeffectiveness of assisting aging persons with living at home rather than becoming institutionalized. The Research Directorate has collaborated with a variety of partners to insert a Veteran identifier in a variety of Canadian datasets. For example, a Veteran identifier was included in the 2003 Canadian Community Health Survey, allowing for the first time a glimpse at the well-being of the whole Veteran population. A Veterans’ identifier has also been included in the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging. The Directorate’s researchers report their findings in several types of scientific publications. The top tier publications are those published in professional journals and books, and the Technical Reports published by VAC. The Research Directorate also publishes a series of one-page Info Briefs summarizing key research findings. Additionally, the Directorate publishes Data Reports that supplement the Technical Reports, and Brief Reports produced in short timelines in response to specific requests. This Technical Report lists the 173 research publications authored by current and former members of the VAC Research Directorate from 1992 to 2018. Of the 173 publications, there were 65 professional journal papers, 12 book chapters, 48 Technical Reports published by VAC, and 48 other types of publications, including Info Briefs and Data Reports. Each of the Technical Reports includes French language Executive Summaries, and 37 of the publications were translated entirely into French. For ease of access, this report sorts the publications by areas of interest, including well-being domains, special interest topics, and programs of research. The goal is to make the evidence accessible to support the well-being of military Veterans, their families and other persons. The report is organized so as to make it easy for users to find reports by topics of interest to them.

Publisher/Sponsoring Organization:

Veterans Affairs Canada

Publication Type:

Research and technical reports

Author Affiliation:

Research Directorate, Veterans Affairs Canada, MT
Research Directorate, Veterans Affairs Canada, JMT
Research Directorate, Veterans Affairs Canada, WL
Research Directorate, Veterans Affairs Canada, AR
Research Directorate, Veterans Affairs Canada, JK
Research Directorate, Veterans Affairs Canada, MBM
Research Directorate, Veterans Affairs Canada, LV
Research Directorate, Veterans Affairs Canada, JS
Research Directorate, Veterans Affairs Canada, AP
Research Directorate, Veterans Affairs Canada, TP
Research Directorate, Veterans Affairs Canada, RM
Research Directorate, Veterans Affairs Canada, NS


bibliography, Veterans, research, well-being, population studies, income studies

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