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About Military REACH

The Military REACH Project

Military families are first and foremost families; they manage the same challenges and stressors as civilian families. Yet, they do so in a context characterized by transitions and change. Military families are, by and large, characterized as adaptable and resilient, but family outcomes are often contingent on the availability of resources and whether support systems are equipped to meet their needs.

To facilitate the Department of Defense's provision of high-quality support to military families, Military REACH bridges the gap between research and practice.

Our mission is two-fold - to make research accessible and practical. We strive to put research into the hands of military families, direct service helping professionals, and those who work on behalf of military families by harnessing collaborative expertise, maximizing technological advances, and actively disseminating products.

How We make a difference


The REACH Team identifies and closely examines current research publications related to military families to determine how the information provided in these articles can be most helpful for our target audiences: military families, helping professionals, military leadership, and policy makers.


The REACH Team rigorously evaluates research articles that have implications for military family life, using a literature-informed appraisal system. This system allows the REACH team to assess research based on three categories: credibility, contributory, and communicative aspects. The REACH team uses this system to inform readers of the degree of trustworthiness each publication possesses in an effort to provide accurate and reliable information.


After the evaluation process, research articles are then translated into two-page TRIP (Translating Research into Practice) Reports. These TRIP Reports summarize the key findings and implications for our three target audiences with the goal of translating academic and scientific terminology into more accessible language.


All military family research publications are archived in our online library, where users can find their detailed-information, a link to their original source, and, when appropriate, a TRIP Report. The online library is intuitive and easy to use and encourages the exploration of our military family research database.


After a TRIP Report is completed and archived, the REACH Team disseminates the key findings to multiple social media platforms, linking viewers to the full TRIP Report. Additionally, the REACH Team sends reports directly to the Department of Defense for distribution to those who can use the information to inform policy and practice. Lastly, those who are interested in military families can subscribe to monthly newsletters from Military REACH, where they will find comprehensive updates about our recent products.

Utilizing Family Research to Inform Practice

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