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Frye-Cox, Nick


If you’ve been around children or adolescents for any length of time, you might not be surprised to find that they don’t always get along. You might have wondered, however, whether this fighting is appropriate. Learning how to engage in disagreements with others is a part of life we all have to navigate, so peer conflict is normal and actually can be adaptive. Peer conflict can turn from adaptive to maladaptive when there is an intent to harm another peer, at which point it is usually termed peer aggression. The first thing that might come to mind when you think of aggression is the physical behaviors listed in the table below, such as kicking, hitting, or pushing. However, aggression can also harm someone’s relationship with others by spreading rumors, lies, or secrets. Such acts of relational aggression are perhaps most obviously enacted using social media, which can give the aggressor anonymity. Types of Peer Aggression Examples Physical aggression: the use or threat of physical force to hurt, harm, or injure another person (Dodge et al., 2006). Kicking, hitting, biting, pushing, pinching, and forcefully taking things away from others. Threats of physical force. Relational aggression: the use of behaviors that harm a peer by damaging relationships, including the threat of the removal of relationships (Crick & Grotpeter, 1995). Saying something to damage a relationship with a peer (e.g., “I won’t be your friend anymore unless you do something for me”). Spreading negative rumors, gossip, secrets, and lies about another peer. Whether peer aggression is physical or relational, it can lead to negative consequences (e.g., depression low academic achievement) for both the aggressor and the victim of aggression (Noret et al., 2018). Thus, it is important to determine ways to prevent peer aggression, which is one of the topics that the Military REACH team recently wrote about in a research report. From this research report, we have provided a few strategies gathered from successful interventions that may mitigate peer aggression. These strategies can be used by families and helping professionals, especially school-based professionals, to address isolated incidents of peer aggression or peer aggression that occurs within group settings. Improve empathy Teaching children and adolescents empathy simply means helping them see another peer’s perspective. Children and adolescents who engage in aggressive behaviors tend to have difficulty understanding how their actions affect others and, as a result, may not adequately recognize the harm they are causing. By improving empathy skills, aggressive children and adolescents may not only understand the implications of their actions but also feel more concern for their peers. Correct negative thinking Children and adolescents who are aggressive may interpret their peers’ actions in a negative way. For instance, a child may be drawing at their desk and suddenly is bumped into by a classmate, ruining their artwork. An aggressive child will likely think that the classmate bumped into them on purpose and want retribution for ruining their artwork. However, children who are not typically aggressive may simply view this bump as an accident, and although they may feel disappointed that their artwork was ruined, they would not have any desire to harm their peer. Therefore, focusing on such negative thinking patterns will help children and adolescents respond in a more prosocial way that does not result in an aggressive act. Manage Emotions One other area that may help improve aggressive behaviors is managing emotions. This basically gets at improving children and adolescents’ ability to identify, accept, and regulate their emotions. Children and adolescents who are aggressive can be overwhelmed by their emotions, may not be able to describe how they feel, or calm themselves down and, as a result, respond aggressively across a variety of situations such as getting accidentally bumped into by another peer. Thus, teaching children and adolescents to manage their emotions may prevent emotional outbursts that give way to aggression. The strategies mentioned above are meant to be informative. If peer aggression is something you are concerned about, please consider consulting a helping professional, as this is the most effective method to deal with peer aggression. Read the Military REACH team’s full report on peer aggression, Peer Aggression among Children and Youth: Defining Constructs and Identifying Programming,, to access the citations used in this piece and to learn even more on the topic.

Publication Type:

Family Story

Author Affiliation:

PhD Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Military REACH Auburn University

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Peer aggression among children and youth: Defining constructs and identifying programming

APA Citation:

Frye-Cox, N., Farnsworth, M., O’Neal, C. W., Lucier-Greer, M. (2020). Peer aggression among children and youth: Defining constructs and identifying programming. Auburn, AL: Military REACH

Abstract Created by REACH:

The Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) Family Advocacy Program (FAP) requested a comprehensive literature review to be conducted on peer aggression with specific emphasis placed on clearly defining the topic while also identifying contemporary research on primary and secondary prevention strategies, as well as clinical interventions that are promising at mitigating peer aggression. Peer aggression can be defined as any behavior that is intended to harm another person (e.g., David-Ferdon et al., 2016; DeWall et al., 2012; Dodge et al., 2006). To help distinguish peer aggression from other constructs, specific attention is paid to differentiating between motives, modes, and types of peer aggression. In addition, peer aggression is distinguished from similar constructs of peer control, juvenile delinquency, and child abuse and neglect. The substantial efforts to clarify the construct of peer aggression have been matched by researchers attempting to prevent and reduce peer aggression and to mitigate immediate and long-term consequences stemming from peer aggression. Many of these efforts utilize either primary prevention strategies, secondary prevention strategies, or clinical interventions. Primary prevention programs may help change general attitudes about peer aggression and promote positive relationships within a given community. Secondary strategies may be most effective at managing peer aggression when parents, teachers, and others in a community are supported in their efforts to identify students at-risk for peer aggression and peer victimization. Clinical interventions are directed specifically at youth who have engaged in peer aggression with attention devoted toward improving relationships with parents and enhancing youth’s cognitive and socioemotional skills. Although each level of intervention can yield positive outcomes (e.g., reduction in aggressive behaviors, improved relationships with peers and adults), the best outcomes typically result from a coordinated effort between all three strategies (e.g., David-Ferdon et al., 2016; Espelage & Swearer, 2008). Importantly, it is necessary to match the strategy employed with the needs of the situation, as consideration must be given to age of youth, the level of implementation (i.e., prevention or intervention), as well as the organizational resources available.


Mental health

Military Affiliation:

Active Duty

Subject Affiliation:

Military families
Child of a service member or veteran
Military non-medical service providers


Childhood (birth - 12 yrs)
Preschool age (2 -5 yrs)
School age (6 - 12 yrs)
Adolescence (13 - 17 yrs)


Review of Literature


Frye-Cox, Nick, Farnsworth, Meredith, O'Neal, Catherine, Lucier-Greer, Mallory

Publisher/Sponsoring Organization:

Military REACH

Publication Type:

REACH Publication

Author Affiliation:

Department of Human Development and Family Studies, Auburn University, NFC
Department of Human Development and Family Science, University of Georgia, MF
Department of Human Development and Family Studies, Auburn University, MLG
Department of Human Development and Family Science, University of Georgia, CWO


peer aggression, FAP, clinical intervention, prevention

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REACH Publication Type:

Research Report


This product was developed as a result of a partnership funded by the Department of Defense (DoD) between the DoD’s Office of Military Family Readiness Policy and the U.S. Department of Agriculture/National Institute of Food and Agriculture (USDA/NIFA) through a grant/cooperative agreement with Auburn University. USDA/NIFA Award No. 2017-48710-27339, Principal Investigator, Mallory Lucier-Greer.

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