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1 The earlier couples first discussed finances, the better? A dyadic, longitudinal replication and extension

The earlier couples first discussed finances, the better? A dyadic, longitudinal replication and extension

APA Citation:

Saxey, M. T., LeBaron-Black, A. B., Inman, N. F., Yorgason, J. B., & Holmes, E. K. (2024). The earlier couples first discussed finances, the better? A dyadic, longitudinal replication and extension. Family Relations. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1111/fare.13030




Adulthood (18 yrs & older)
Young adulthood (18 - 29 yrs)
Thirties (30 - 39 yrs)

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Authors: Saxey, Matthew T.; LeBaron-Black, Ashley B.; Inman, Naomi F.; Yorgason, Jeremy B.; Holmes, Erin K.

Year: 2024


Objective We examined associations among couples' first financial discussion, healthy financial communication, marital satisfaction, and financial disagreements with cross-sectional and longitudinal dyadic data. Background Prior research on these associations has only used cross-sectional data from one respondent. Method We used actor–partner interdependent structural equation modeling with a sample of 1,079 mixed-gender, newlywed dyads to estimate cross-sectional and longitudinal models. Results Cross-sectionally, both husbands' and wives' reports of their first financial discussion predicted better marital satisfaction and fewer financial disagreements through their own report of healthy financial communication. Longitudinally, only husbands' report of the couple's first financial discussion positively predicted between-person changes in both husbands' and wives' marital satisfaction two waves later. Additionally, whereas husbands' healthy financial communication predicted changes in their own marital satisfaction, financial disagreements, and wives' financial disagreements over time, wives' healthy financial communication only predicted changes in their own perception of financial disagreements. Conclusion Future relational and financial outcomes for mixed-gender newlyweds appear to benefit from an earlier first financial discussion in their relationship. Implications Therapists and educators should focus on the timing and quality of couples' financial communication to help couples mitigate financial disagreements and improve marital satisfaction.

2 Empowering through education: Frameworks for relationship education, parent education, and sexual violence prevention

Empowering through education: Frameworks for relationship education, parent education, and sexual violence prevention

APA Citation:

Cooper, E., Vandenberg, C., Hanson, E., Sherman, H., Saxey, M., Tidwell, A., O’Neal, C. W., & Lucier-Greer, M. (2024). Empowering through education: Frameworks for relationship education, parent education, and sexual violence prevention. Auburn, AL: Military REACH.


Mental health

Branch of Service:

Multiple branches

Military Affiliation:

Active Duty


Childhood (birth - 12 yrs)
Adolescence (13 - 17 yrs)
Adulthood (18 yrs & older)
Young adulthood (18 - 29 yrs)
Thirties (30 - 39 yrs)
Middle age (40 - 64 yrs)

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Research Report

Authors: Cooper, Erin; Vandenberg, Carlynn; Sherman, Haley; Saxey, Matthew; Tidwell, Allison; O'Neal, Catherine W.; Lucier-Greer, Mallory

Year: 2024

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