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REACH Dictionary

"In thermodynamics, entropy is “a measure of the amount of molecular disorder within a system. Accordingly, systems possessing a high degree of molecular disorder, such as a high temperature gas, have high entropy value, whereas systems with a low degree of disorder, such as ice, have low entropy value. High family entropy occurs in home environments that are disorganized and unstructured, whereas low family entropy occurs in home environments that are organized and structured."

Citation: Bates, C. R., Bohnert, A. M., Buscemi, J., Vandell, D. L., Lee, K. T. H., & Bryant, F. B. (2019). Family entropy: Understanding the organization of the family home environment and impact on child health behaviors and weight. Translational Behavioral Medicine, 9(3), 413-421. https://www.doi.org/10.1093/tbm/ibz042

Category: Family Processes

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