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“The amount of time servicemembers are engaged in their official duties at a location or under circumstances that made it infeasible for a member to spend off-duty time in the housing in which the member resides.”

Citation: Blaisure, K.R., Saalthoff-Wells, T., Pereira, A. MacDermid Wadsworth, S., & Dombro, A. L. (2015). Serving military families – theories, research, and application. Taylor & Francis Ltd.

Category: Military

Related Terms:

Paired t-test is used when the two scores being compared are paired or somewhat matched (i.e., they are not independent of one another) or if the two scores are repeated measures (e.g., within-groups design). An example of repeated measures is comparing the mean difference in a group of people who have taken a pretest and a posttest before and after an intervention.

Citation: Leech, N., Barrett, K., & Morgan, G. A. (2013). SPSS for intermediate statistics: Use and interpretation. Routledge.

Category: Methodology

Related Terms:

"A method in which data for a variable pertinent to a specific assessment are included, even if values for the same individual on other variables are missing."

Citation: APA Dictionary of Psychology. Retrieved from https://dictionary.apa.org/pairwise-deletion

Category: Methodology

Related Terms:

A frightening experience in which a person may feel very scared, wonder if he/she is dying, be short of breath, and have a racing heartbeat.

Citation: Sherman, M.D., & Sherman, D.M. (2005). Finding my way: A teen's guide to living with a parent who has experienced trauma. Beaver's Pond Press, Inc.

Category: Health (Mental & Physical)

Related Terms:

A perspective or point of view affecting what is recognized, known, valued, and done. For example, those who adhere to the positivist paradigm consider to be "true" only that which they can observe to be in one-to-one corresponsence with an objective reality, while those who adhere to the interpretivist paradigm consider reality to be subjectively constructed and apprehended.

Citation: Bamberger, M., Rugh, J., & Mabry, L. (2006). Real world evaluation: Working under budget, time, data, and political constraints. Sage Publications.

Category: Family Processes

Parametric statistics are those "statistics designed for normally distributed data".

Citation: Morgan, G. A., Leech, N. L., Gloeckner, G. W., and Barrett, K. C. (2013). IBM SPSS for introductory statistics: Use and interpretation. New York, NY: Routledge.

Category: Methodology

Restating another person’s message to clarify their partner’s intended meaning.

Citation: Taft, C. T., Murphy, C. M., & Creech, S. K. (2016). Introduction. In C. T. Taft, C. M. Murphy, & S. K. Creech, Trauma-informed treatment and prevention of intimate partner violence (p. 3–12). American Psychological Association. https://doi.org/10.1037/14918-001

Category: Therapy & Therapeutic Techniques

Parceling involves the inference of latent constructs through the aggregation of items.

Citation: Matsunaga, M. (2008). Item parceling in structural equation modeling: A primer. Communication Methods and Measures, 2(4), 260–293. https://doi.org/10.1080/19312450802458935

Category: Methodology

Related Terms:

“Parents’ availability and effectiveness in caring for their children.”

Citation: Blaisure, K. R., Saathoff-Wells, T., Pereira, A., MacDermid Wadsworth, S., & Dombro, A. L. (2015). Serving military families -theories, research, and application. Taylor & Francis Ltd.

Category: Family Processes

Study in which data are collected while the researcher is a full or partial member of the group studied.

Citation: Bamberger, M., Rugh, J., & Mabry, L. (2006). Real world evaluation: Working under budget, time, data, and political constraints. Sage Publications.

Category: Methodology

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